Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software

Tarabalam (Tarabala); Sarvatobhadra Chakra; Sarvatobhadra Vedhas and Sapta Nadi. Shanshodhanatmak Sarvatobhadra Chakra Granthmala Bhag - 1 By Dr. Paresh Ravindra Desai, buy online books on astrology. Free Shipping Above 699/. So it is Open Source Software and free for personal and commercial use. Sarvatobhadra Chakra is called the Trailokya Deep which lights the all three Lokas and is the most auspicious of all the chakras and charts. Kavi Narpati recorded it in 'Narpatijayacharya Swarodaya' in the 12th century. In the same book Kavi Narpati described Swar Shastra through 20 Swar chakras and detailed the method of their use for prediction. What is Sarvatobhadra chakra? Sarvatobhadra chakra is a very efficient tool used for natal as well as mundane astrology predictions. Sarvatobhadra is a conjunction of two Sanskrit words, 'Sarvatah' means everyone or entire, and 'Bhadra' means auspiciousness or wellness. Thus the combination of the two words specifies 'overall wellness.' The Sarvatobhadra Chakra is used for financial timing, company start ups and other transit work, even spiritual awakening. The author of ' Mansagari' an astrological text in extensive use in North India in a chapter entitled ' Sarvatobhadra-chakra' says that 'this will illuminate the three worlds'.

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Bhrigu Point
The Bhrigu point is a mathematically derived point in the chart. It is the half-way point between the Moon and Rahu. Just like any other degree point such as a planet, it will fall in a certain sign and in a certain house, perhaps conjunct with some other planets and possibly receiving aspects. Whatever this placement is like, the Bhrigu point will emphasize those conditions and draw attention to it. Therefore, the Bhrigu point will draw destiny towards these indications.
How to see the Bhrigu point: The Bhrigu point can be shown or hidden from the Chart Style screen. Select the Options menu, and select Chart Style. Under the ‘Special Points’ section on the left, you can select Bhrigu Point. If Bhrigu point is already selected and you want to remove it, click on the drop down list and select ‘no point’. Click on OK to see the effects.
Mandi is similar to Gulika, which was available in PL 7. Gulika points are determined by dividing the time between Sunrise and Sunset into 1/8th segments. Gulika then takes place at the beginning of one of those eight divisions. For example, on Saturday, it takes place at the first division. If Gulika takes place on the ascendant degree, it is then given designations of the eighth house (deathlike experiences, transformations, grief). Mandi is the same except it is determined by dividing the time between sunrise and sunset into 1/30th segments.
These calculations are particularly useful in Muhurta, as it is inadvisable to choose a Muhurta time at a point where Mandi or Gulika reside.
How to use these features:
To add Mandi, Gulika, and/or Bhrigu Point to all charts follow these simple steps:

Go to the Options drop down menu and select Chart style.

Options Menu

The User Preferences screen appears. In the lower left hand corner of the window is a section called Special Points. Each drop down menu under Special Points allows you to choose one point that will be added to charts.

User Preferences Special Points

Select the points you’d like to see, for example Bhrigu point, and Mandi. Up to seven “special points” (Mandi, Gulika, Bhrigu Point, etc.) can be added to charts.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software

Select Special Points

Magnitude of planets
Magnitude is the brightness of planets. It is used in Shad Bala to help determine what planet wins in planetary wars. The brightest planet wins.
Relative speed of planets
Planets behave differently when moving very fast or slow. When planets are close to stationary, meaning the speed is almost zero, they will act more powerfully than when they’re moving fast. To see this before you had to look at the normal, natural speeds of the planets and then do calculations by hand to determine if they were going slow or fast. In PL 9 the relative speeds can simply be viewed in a table on a worksheet.
How to use these features:
To see magnitude of planets and relative speed of planets:

Go to a worksheet with a Planetary Details Chart. Alternatively, add one to the worksheet by double clicking to pull up the Chart and Table menu, scrollling to the Planet Details subsection under the Tables column, and selecting Planetary info. Then press OK, and it will be added to the worksheet.Chart and Table Menu

Right click on a blank space in the table and a menu will appear. Select Advanced display options.
Chart and Table Menu

In the Advanced options menu, scroll down to 45. Speed, to add relative speed to the Planetary Info table. You can also select 49.
Magnitude to see the planetary brightness in the Planetary info. table.Then press OK to apply the changes.
Select Special Points

Whatever you select will appear in the text just under the scrolling menu. The order of the text will match the order in the table. For example, if “49. Magnitude” is the last in the text, this data will appear in the last/far right column of the table.
Planetary Info Table Order

To remove information from the Planetary Info. table, go back to the Advanced display menu and click on the name of the information you want removed in the scrolling list to “unselect” it. It will then disappear from the text below the scrolling list. Press OK, and the Planetary Info table will update

Tithi Pravesh Chart

In the Vedic tradition, the true birthday is considered to be the time each year when the sun and moon return to their natal positions. The transits at the time of this solar and lunar return give insight into what will arise that year in a native’s life. Since it also accounts for the moon, the Tithi Pravesh Chart could be called a more accurate solar return chart.

For more information about how this chart can be used and interpreted, see these videos by Sanjay Rath: Tithi Pravesh Youtube Playlist

For interpretation purposes, the Vedic day of the week is used instead of the Western day. The ruler of the Vedic day is also given special weight when determining what the themes for that year will be.

The Western day is based on the 24 hour clock – at midnight a new day begins. The Vedic day is based on the sunrise – a new day does not begin until sunrise. To see the Vedic day on the worksheet,add the Indian Calendar table to the worksheet with the Tithi Pravesh context. The forth line down in the table – “Vaar” – is the Vedic day.

Here is an example of the Vedic and Western Day being different:
Vedic Day ‘Vaar’

Also be sure that the Tithi line is the same in the Tithi Pravesh Indian Calendar and the Birth Indian Calendar. Tithi indicates the relationship of the sun and moon (also known as the moon phase), and the Tithi Pravesh chart should occur at the same Tithi as at birth.
In this example, the Tithi is Krishna Saptami:
Indian Calendar

Tithi Pravesh is a context in the Chart and Table Selection Menu.
Instead of allways being fixed on the natal chart, it can be applied to all other kinds of charts – varshphal, transits, muhurta, etc.

If you’d like to see a native’s Tithi Pravesh chart for a year other than the current one, left click once on the title bar of the Tithi Pravesh chart and the “Set date” window will pop up. Then select the year you’d like to see from the “Set date” scrolling menu.

Set Date Menu

This chart can be calculated based on natal location (the traditional way) or the place a native currently resides.
If the native no longer lives in the place they were born, consider using the Local Tithi Pravesh chart option.
How to use this feature:
1. From the charts menu, select the “Tithi Pravesh” screen to view the Tithi Pravesh chart alongside with the birthchart.

2 Or, add a Tithi Pravesh chart to any worksheet by double clicking on
a blank space and selecting the Tithi Pravesh context from the Chart and Table Selection Window.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software Project

Chart and Table Selection

Related Useful Features:
Local Tithi Pravesh chart

Local Tithi Pravesh Chart

Historically, people in India tend to live in close proximity where they were born for the majority of their lives. These days, and especially in the West, people often move away significant distances from their birth location. The Local option of the Tithi Pravesh Chart is calculated for the place a person lives currently. It can be used for research, to see if the Local calculations work better to predict themes for that year.

If you haven’t yet read about the Tithi Pravesh chart feature in general, please start there:Tithi Pravesh chart
How it looks: To use the Local option of the Tithi Pravesh Chart, the native’s current location must be manually set. To set the native’s current location, go to the Edit drop down menu and select “Native’s current location”. Enter the location in the data entry form and press OK. On the local option of the Tithi Pravesh, the title of the chart will look like this: Tithi Pravesh (Fairfield 27). What this means is this is a Tithi Pravesh chart for the native, who is currently living in Fairfield and is 27 years old. If you want to verify you’re seeing the correct location, place a birth data table on the worksheet based on the local Tithi Pravesh chart. The birth data table gives the full location ands the exact solar and lunar return date (the Vedic birth day) for the native, as this doesn’t always fall on the original day of birth.

See this example from Albert Einstein:
Birth Data Table Comparison

If the native currently lives in the place they were born, select the regular Tithi Pravesh option and it will automatically be calculated based on the birth data.
See more info on that here: Tithi Pravesh chart
How to use this feature:
1. Set the location the person currently resides. To do this, go to the top Edit drop down menu and select Native’s current location. This data entry window will appear:
Natives Current Location

2. Enter the location and press OK. Setting the current location will not effect the location set in the birth data.

3. Add a new chart to the worksheet or change the context of an existing chart to Tithi Pravesh(L) in the Chart & Table Selection Menu
Local Tithi Pravesh Context

Related Useful Features:
Tithi Pravesh chart

This section is also repeating in Reason 7

Kota chakra

The Kota chakra is based on the natal moon nakshatra and gives insight into health, wellbeing, emotionality, and how one perceives things. It begins in the upper left corner with the natal moon nakshatra as number 1 and then weaves in and out of the chakra, following the arrows, progressing through the nakshatra cycle. Since the planets transit through the nakshatras, they move through the chakra in this weaving pattern. The center two squares are considered the place where the effects of transiting planets is most amplified. As benefics move towards the center their effects are strengthened, as malefics move towards the center their effects are aggravated.

This chakra shows the balance of energies moving into and out of the native’s life. It can be used for compatibility readings to show how the energies of partners are impacting one another, or can be used in Muhurta to find a time when malefics are out of and moving away from the central space.

– To see all of the information clearly, this chakra needs to be at least 2X2 in size. This can be set in the Charts and Table selection menu. On smaller computer monitors it is seen best if it takes up most of the screen.
– To see the planets move through the chakra in a dynamic way, Kota chakra can be used with the change time tool to go forwards and backwards in time.

How to use this feature:
To see this chakra, either go to the worksheet named Kota Chakra under the transits icon in the top toolbar, or add it to any worksheet through the Chart and Table Selection menu.

To add Kota Chakra to a worksheet:
1. Double click on a blank worksheet space to pull up the Chart and Table Selection menu. Scroll down to the Chakras sub section and select Kota Chakra.

Chart And Table Selection

2. Press OK and the Chakra will be placed on the worksheet


Related Useful Features:
Change Time Toolbar

Sanghatta chakra

The Sanghatta Chakra reveals the effects of transiting planets on all natal planets, and therefore on the native at large. Of the new chakras in PL 9, it gives the most general picture.

There are only three points in the rashi (sign) and nakshatra cycle where a sign and nakshatra change simultaneously. These three points reside at the three corners of the large upright triangle in the center of the chakra. The lines between the nakshatras show mirrors and symmetries created through those divisions.

Natal planet positions are on the inside circle of the chakra. Transit planet positions are on the outside circle of the chakra. Red connection lines indicate a malefic influence of a transiting planet on a natal planet. Green connection lines indicate a benefic influence of a transiting planet on a natal planet.

– To see all of the information clearly, this chakra needs to be at least 2X2 in size. On smaller computer monitors it is seen best if it takes up most of the screen.
– The chakra can be used with the change time tool so you can go forwards and backwards in time.

How to use this feature:
To see this chakra, either go to the worksheet named Sanghatta Chakra under the transits icon in the top toolbar, or add it to any worksheet through the Chart and Table Selection menu.

To add it to a worksheet,
1. Double click on a blank worksheet space to pull up the Chart and Table Selection menu. Scroll down to the Chakras sub section and select Sanghatta Chakra.

Chart And Table Selection

2. Press OK and the Chakra will be placed on the worksheet.

Related Useful Features:
Change Time Toolbar

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software Download

Sarvatobhadra chakra

The Sarvatobhadra chakra shows the effects of transiting planets on six key personal identifiers: Ascendant Sign, Moon Sign, Moon Nakshatra, Anka Value (the first two sounds of your first name), the day of the week on which you were born, and the lunar phase in which you were born.

These six identifiers make you uniquely you, so seeing afflictions or blessings on these points can help in predicting challenging or advantageous periods of time in your life.

This chakra also takes forward and backward aspects of nakshatras and the motion of the planets into consideration. No other transit report or tool in Parashara’s Light 8.5 gives this kind of information or shows this big of a picture in terms of the effects of planets on a native.

Squares with red outlines indicate a malefic influence. If one of your six identifying qualities is outlined in red, it is considered to be afflicted.

Squares with green outlines indicate a benefic influence. If one of your six identifying qualiteis is outline in green, it is considered to be blessed with vitality.

Required data: Two of the identifiers are based on the sounds of your first name.
Unlike the other identifiers, this must be set manually in the program to show up on the chakra. Under the Edit drop down menu select Anka value and a window will come up to set this. If you need further guidance in setting the Anka Value, go to Feature Anka value screen enhancements .

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software Login

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software

Tips: – To see all of the information clearly, this chakra needs to be at least 2X2 in size. On smaller computer monitors it is seen best if it takes up most of the screen.
– Sarvatobhadra chakra can be used in finding Muhurtas. Locate a time when the malefic planets aren’t afflicting the six personal identifiers of a native.
– Sarvatobhadra chakra can also be used in compatibility, to see how partner’s natal planets influence the six identifying points in one another’s chakras.

How to use this feature:
To see this chakra, go to the worksheet named Sarvatobhadra Chakra under the transits icon in the top toolbar.

Or, to add this chakra to any worksheet:
1. Double click on a blank worksheet space to pull up the Chart and Table Selection menu. Scroll down to the Chakras sub section and select Sarvatobhadra Chakra.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software

Chart and Table Selection

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Software Program

2. Press OK and the Chakra will be placed on the worksheet.

3. The chakra would typically be used with the change time tool to go forwards and backwards in time. Add the change time tool bar to any worksheet by selecting it from the top Tools drop town menu. The Change Time toolbar works better than the floating Change Time tool so the chakra is not covered up.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra software, free download

4. Click anywhere in the chakra to see the date and time the chakra is calculated for and the score for that moment in time.

Related Useful Features:
Change Time Toolbar