Realm Crafter

I read the guidelines, and I’m not entirely sure this is the right place to put this, but where else would it fit, _really_? Anyway, I was just curious about other peoples experiences with this thing. More specifically, I want to know if any thinks it’s any good. I bought it awhile ago. Never got anywhere with it (at the time I didn’t have a gaming computer… So I don’t know where I thought that was going to go…). I got new internet security, which said it was a Trojan horse virus… And I’ve heard that other people have had similar experiences.So what about you guys? Is it a Trojan horse? Have you made any significant progress with it? Have you ever even heard of it?I’ve got Game Maker Pro edition now, so this information isn’t vital at all… But I find out that the shoddy thing is even remotely useful… Having it can’t hurt, right? (I call it “shoddy” because, even though I know my computer wasn’t properly equipped to handle it, I know the product is a bit glitchy.)

Translated the wiki page Apparently, there was a game made with Realm Crafter, called “Knights of Dream City”. Funny that I’ve never heard of it until now. I mean, I did a lot of research on MMORPGs once upon a time. I probably should have heard of this, if it’s a legit game. Outside of all the benefits that real-time zone building will offer teams using Realm Crafter. Going past the speed increase the new features offer. Stepping above the new interface with it's time saving new features. Beyond all of that, it was just WAY COOOOOOL!!!! The only objects we have working right now is the Scenery and Portals.

It doesn’t seem like it’s really been a year since I’ve posted on here. I remember getting out of the grove when I got really sick, then work started going wrong, I moved a short distance from where I was at (but a move is still a move), then I got a new job out of state and that really tossed everything out of whack.

Download RealmCrafter Community Edition for free. This is the Community Edition of a well known MMORPG creation software called RealmCrafter. This product allows with ease the creation of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. May 8 2021 TBD Role Playing. Myth Online is a fantasy MMORPG being developed by a single person using the Realm Crafter Engine. Players will be able to explore dungeons, fight monsters.

But I’m back and back at it.

I have not given up on the idea of a Realm Crafter Team Edition for the GUE and have started looking at the code again. I hope that over the next few weeks I can figure out where I was at and get some real work started on it again.

On a side and yet still related note. I have been working on my own game. Of course it is built with Ream Crafter Standard, but it does have a highly modified client. I will be starting a blog about it soon and will get some info and screen shots up about it. So check back here soon for the URL.

Realm crafter

Also on a side note. I have worked a little bit on a project with UUICEO and have taken some of the code that reads RC dat files and started working on a tool chest of sorts that will allow Realm Crafter users to edit game resources in a better, faster environment. Due to the speed of the tool chest I maybe swapping out RCS: Team Edition with this Tool Chest. More on that later.


I don’t have a bunch of people that follow this site, and of them most don’t care about RCS: Team Edition, but if you do care, I’m back in the “Game” and will get some more progress on this done very soon.


As you may know, there hasn't been much in the way of updates as of late. Sorry about that. Last Thursday I came down with the Flu and spend much of the last week trying to get rid of it. You would think that after 20 years of getting the Flu at around the same time each year I would have wised up and get a Flu shot at the start of the season to prevent it. But not I. No, I'd rather just shut down for a week a year with coughing fits and high fever......FUN!
I have the Zone Options and Environment dialogs fully working now. I know seems like a small thing but the ability to set fog distance and sky dome texture is somewhat important. The dialog box still needs a little bit of work but I'll have it cleaned up today, so nothing to worry about there.
UUICEO has made a lot of changes in my absence. Before I fully comment on them I'd like to get a little time to talk to him about them and get the full scoop. However, I do know a few of the features. User rights management has been added and a zone jump feature.
User Rights allows the administrator to set what a user can and can not do to the project.
Zone Jump allows you to position the camera to a location instantly. Very helpful in Multi-User edit so that you can jump to a users position to see changes going on in a certain area.
For right now this is all I have. I hope to speak to UUICEO this weekend and get a better understanding of what has been completed so that I can provide you with a better report.
--Look at a brick and say, 'I can do that better.' Why? Because I can!--
Demotis Silvermoon
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

- Edgar Allan Poe
It was brought to my attention that the video does not load in FireFox. Sorry about that, I will fix it and let you know when its working in FireFox. Untill then, wait, or watch it in Internet Explorer.

'OMG, he said IE, what a NOOB!' - 'Learn to use a Real Browser' - 'IE SUCKS'

I've heard them all and I hate IE as much as the next person. I will fix it, just not right now.
As you know they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm not sure 'they' are, but anytime 'they' speak who are to not listen. Well if that's the case then at 15 frames a second we are well into the billions. :)
For your viewing pleasure. A video. No sound so it's not for your listening pleasure. You'll just have to hum your favorite tune and think it's coming from your computer.
Post a comment if you have any questions.
Last night we had our first successful test of true multi-user zone building. Outside of all the benefits that real-time zone building will offer teams using Realm Crafter. Going past the speed increase the new features offer. Stepping above the new interface with it's time saving new features. Beyond all of that, it was just WAY COOOOOOL!!!!
The only objects we have working right now is the Scenery and Portals. But that allows us to place pre-made terrain mesh and drop in some basic objects to build a zone. A few hundred trees were placed in just a few minutes. Using the new 'Random Rotate' feature each one was placed in a slightly different direction so that the new forest instantly looked 'different' even though all of the objects were the same.
This brings me to my segway for three new features:
'Use Series' : is a check box that can be selected when you choose the mesh to place as a Scenery Object. What this does is it will pull a list of all mesh media from the database that contains the same name as the object selected, but with a 'Unique Identifier'. The 'Unique Identifier' will always by the last 4 spots of the name in the format '_000'. Where the '000' is a number from 000-999 allowing for 1000 variants of the same mesh name. This will be great for trees or grass models that are meshed different but share the same textures.
You pick the mesh named 'tree_type1_001.b3d' as the mesh to place. You then check the 'Random Rotate' and the 'Use Series' check box. The system then pulls apart the name separating the file type (.b3d) and the unique identifier. Then pulls all the files that have been added as meshes that contain the name 'tree_type1'. It then takes this list and using the unique number it creates a list of objects. Now when you place this object it will select one of the meshes at random, place it and then perform a random rotate on it. So if you create ten types of trees, you can create a completely random forest in a matter of minutes. All without the need to turn each placed entity or changing the mesh type to another mesh.
'Use Advanced Trees' : is a check box that can be selected when you choose the mesh to place as a Scenery Object. It will work in tandem with Rotate and Series. The function is that a planed model of the tree mesh can be split into two files. The trunk, distinguished by a pre tag of 't_', and the leaves/branches, distinguished by a pre tag of 'l_'. The use of 'Advanced Trees' will require that you pick the trunk as the object you wish to place. Once you place the object it will also place the leaves object at the same XYZ and use the same rotate angle. It will automatically set the trunk as Polygon collision and the leaves as no collision. This is to help with camera control and movement in densely forested areas.
You pick the tree mesh 't_type01_001.b3d'. The system checks that you have 'Use Advanced Trees' selected and then searches the meshes for 'l_type01_001.b3b'. Then when you place the object it will place both at the same location and rotation. If you also check the 'Use Series' box it will search for the '_000' of each name 't_type01' and build the randomizer list along with it's related leaf mesh.
Global Update : is the ability to select an object and modify all existing placements of that object at once. Lets say you just finished placing a forest and after a quick test you realize that you forgot to turn off polygon collision on your grass models. What do you do? Remove all the grass and start over? Erase the Zone and start over? Select each grass object and change it's individual collision? What if you were placing tall grass and the scale was not as large as you like it? What do you do? Scale all and toss off the scale on all other objects? Not anymore. Now you will have the ability to select a single object, open it's Option Box and make the needed changes. Then instead of the 'Apply' button you press the 'Apply to All' button. It then searches out all items in the zone using that mesh (it will also search Series object) and make the changes to all items at once. Hours, Days maybe even Weeks of work saved.
So you want a work log status update?
Projectile Tab has been converted. Thank you UUICEO for your work on that, it looks great. Last time I checked there was a small bug but I think it has been fully correct now. Pending a short test I think it's going to get the 100% seal of approval.
Zone Tab is now placing, saving, updating Portals and Scenery Objects. I'm still working on the dialog boxes, but for the most part they are done.
The Zone Tab is getting a face lift. I'm still not done with it and there are a few changes that need to be made. In all however I think you'll like it. I have taken on a more 'professional' approach and that might toss off the 'weekend' users, but then again I don't think anyone that is not serious about team work will be using this product.
Well that's all I have for you right now. Enjoy.
--Look at a brick and say, 'I can do that better.' Why? Because I can!--
The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and
then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.

-Tom Bodett
When I first set out to do the Zone Tab I thought it would be a good idea to start with a single simple Entity and get it working 100%. The thought was that in the Team Edition will only be storing the Entity ID that is created when you load the zone or select an Entity. So in theory I can create the table that stores a set based on the 9 types of Entity that are used by RC. Create an array to hold the Entity Handles, and the functions needed to move, scale, rotate, create, delete, etc...
Where am I going with this?
The first Entity tracking is done!!
I'm sure there will be some bugs as it's not fully tested as of right now. However, right now multiple users can be in the same zone. They can each select different items. They can move their selected items independent of each other. They can see the other persons items moving around. They can create new items. The can delete items. They can see it when someone else deletes or creates items.
There are a few new things.
I have added in a new Lock Box that marks an item as locked. This prevents a user from selecting an item that is currently in edit mode by another user. Once an item is locked with will be bound by a cube that has red edges and red X on the sides.
The update system is in place. All visual changes require a database call to get the updated information. Even at a very fast call (based on a MySQL server running over the Internet on a shared host) there is a small drop in FPS. This is only for the instant that the call is made and processed. To limit the 'hanging' the update will only be every 4 seconds. This update will provide you with all changes made by other users, and will display any Lock Boxes that are in use. However, select power is real time. If a user has an item in use, you will not be able to select it even if the Lock Box is not visible yet.
UUICEO has made a few updates to the Media Update system. I know that he claims to have it 100% bug free. I hope that he is right, but we'll know more after a good test.
That's all I have for you today. Tomorrow I hope to have Terrain done, and if it goes smooth I will just dump copy the code to get all the other items working.
--Look at a brick and say, 'I can do that better.' Why? Because I can!--
Demotis Silvermoon
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
-Bertrand Russell
Sorry guys (and gals), I just haven't had the time to post anything new so I'm going to give it all to you at once.
We've been doing some bug testing, and have most of them cleaned up.
There were a few that we created while making the media update system. Nothing major, just a few endless loops that crashed the GUE and almost the MySQL server along with it, or a small bug where all the folder icons and the preview panes would stop working after you updated. But hey nothing MAJOR!! Anyway, We started the fixes for them and......those are done. We can thank UUICEO for that. On both ends really, it was his update system that started them, and it was his diligence that fixed them.
We were also having a problem with a small bug in the time keeping that would cause the system to lose it's ability to unlock tabs. For the most part this shouldn't be an issue because the tabs are unlocked when the client shutdown. However, (doesn't it seem like I say that ALOT?) if the GUE crashes, or while your testing you just bomb the GUE instead of closing normally because bombing it is faster - not to mention any names hummUUICEO? - and the current time is really close to midnight you might end up with a locked tab that will only unlock if a user is active between the time it locked and the closest midnight. If the time was 11:59 it might be 3 AM before you realise that the tab you want has been locked for the last 3 hours and you can't get in to test the functionality that you just spent the last 2 hours working on. : Good news that won't ever happen to me....errr.... anyone again. :)
There has been some new stuff added.
I know that UUICEO wanted me to get some screenshot of the new stuff up, as most of it's his and it is pretty cool looking. The sad reality of it is, I don't have any. I have the ones while the features were being built and tested, but they just don't look that good to me. I need to get some better screen shots and post them for your viewing pleasure. While on that note. I'm about ready to provide a short video of the features working. I might just hold off on the Shots and just do that instead.
File uploading is not really a new feature. I know that I've posted about it in the past, but we have expanded it. It's funny how I say we when really UUICEO has done most of the work on it. All I really did was separate the Media Tab so that it was DB Realmaccessible and provided a way to pull the path to mesh textures from the mesh.

Realm Crafter Download

Anywho... When you start the RCS:TE GUE you will be greeted with a small window (and a very slow mouse) that lists what's going on in the update process. Once it has a chance to build it's internal lists and check the files on your computer, you will be given another box with the number of files that are needed to download and the current file. There is a little progress bar, also, to help show you how much you have left.
When you are adding media to a project you will get an upload progress bar as well. The cool thing is that if the media is a mesh it will automatically try and find the textures that go with that mesh. Side Note: Remember they need to be in the same folder as the mesh, or the system will not be able to find them anyway. Once it finds textures they will be automatically added to a special table in the database and uploaded to the FTP server. The GUE will provide you with a second upload progress bar to represent the texture uploading as associated with the mesh.
This is not a new feature of the GUE but directory upload/add is also supported.
We cut back on the time it takes to load the GUE. The traditional way to build the GUE was to preload all the 'gadgets' that make up the interface for all the tabs all at once. We've changed this. Now instead of loading all the tabs we only load the Project Tab on startup. Since the tabs working data is only pulled from the database on an as need basis there really was no need to create all the elements of the tabs on startup. The new way is to build the individual tab once you try to open that tab for the first time. It does store a record of tabs that have been opened and does not try to recreate the tab each time you open it. Of course, once you shut down the GUE the 'First Time' is reset also. There is a very small lag when you first open the Tabs, but on a 'Normal' development machine you will not really even notice.
I'll check with UUICEO tonight and see if there is anything that needs to be added and I'll post an addendum.
Work is progressing
I've started on tearing apart the Zone Tab and all of it's functions. For such a simple design, the background process that is the spine of the Zone Tab is very complex. The first thing I didn't like was the way that all the zones 'server data' is loading into memory for each zone as the

Realm Crafter Download

GUE starts. Wouldn't it have been easier, and less memory intensive, to build the list of zones and then make a loading progress bar when you change zones as the zone data is loaded? I guess not. Oh well. In the Team Edition world it is easier, and I might say required. As the zone data must be a dynamic as possible I only want the zone config that is most current, not what was cached on startup.
What I have done so far. No much. I hate to say that but the Zone Tab is almost a complete rewrite of the existing system. So it's going slow as I'm really working out the best method of pulling the info from the database in as close to real time as possible.
What I do have working is:
  • Loading the Zone names to the select list from the database
  • Importing Portals from the database and positioning them in the previewer
  • Creating new Portals, storing the data into the database and creating a visual on the screen
  • Updating the visual Portals as the database is updated
  • A new select box the shows you (and locks the edit) what other users currently have selected.

Once I get this working it's going to be very easy to duplicate the process so that the other elements can be done the same way.
Zone Design Plans
Here is a little taste of the current Zone Tab design plan. And if you reading this please tell me what you think. As always comments are welcome. I do require that your comments are moderated before post, but anyone can post without a login. So what's stopping you?
Multi-user 'Real-Time' editing - I'm sure you know this by now.
Option for full screen editing - So that you can view the editor in more than that little window they give you.
Existing entity control - Want to change the mesh of an existing entity? Sure, just press CTRL+I and a control window will open that allows you to edit anything about an existing entity.
Scenery templates - You will be able to select entities that are placed and assign them to a templateRealm crafter download. The template will store all the information about the entities in it and their relative position as related to the entity used to start the template. Later on you will be able to place the template in the zone as a single click. Great for placing grass and trees.
Client View - You will be able to go into a special client-like view so that you can see the zone you are building as it would appear to a player. Very helpful for working with camera views and making sure scale is set right for the objects in the zone.
Of course all the standard features of the Zone editor will be supported as well.

Realm Crafter Engine

This is all I have for now. Check back soon, I'm sure there will be some new updates.
--Look at a brick and say, 'I can do that better.' Why? Because I can!--


Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice.

–George Jackson

A little progress this weekend, problem is there was so much work done in so many different places I can't remember what all was completed and what was only started. I know that sounds like a classic excuse for a programmer that didn't do anything at all but swears that he worked his tail off on the 'background' stuff. But in reality I've been converting the 'helper' tabs over to the database and they have little lists and arrays that are used in other tabs, so all those little lists have to be documented or adjusted to work dynamically. Needless to say it's been a heavy task. But there is light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel.
I have completed (I'm almost certain) the Combat Tab and all of it's little tails into the other tabs. I'm sure there are bugs but I'll get to them later after the program has been fully tested.
I've started on the Attributes Tab. I have the main tab pulling the list correctly, and I have the lists being generated in the other tabs that need the Attribute information, but I don't have the tab saving yet and the New and Remove functions are not complete. I plan on finishing that up today.
One of the things that I really didn't like about the GUE was the way that a selected object had this large red box around it. Honestly it wasn't a bad way to show what item you had selected, I just didn't like it. For some reason it seemed a little 'amature'. So what I've done is add an option, and it is an option so you can go back to the red box if you want to, to change the red box to a box outlined in yellow.
Another small addition is the ability to change the background color of the particles preview box. I've added in a three sliders so that you can control the background color from solid black (default) to solid white. Of course all the colors in between are possible also. This will help when creating particles by testing the look against different colors, and for adding in a lighter background for testing dark particles.
Well that is all I have for you today. Hope to have a new update soon, so check back.
--Look at a brick and say, 'I can do that better.' Why? Because I can!--
Demotis Silvermoon
The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.
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