Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

See full list on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a 2004 stealth-action / third-person shooter video game directed by Hideo Kojima, developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami. Needless to say, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, released in late 2004, did the job with flying colors and is still considered by many fans as the best game in the Metal Gear series, even after the release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. In 1962, Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov, a Soviet scientist who previously defected to the West.

Solid Snake has given us the slip again and were the ones controlling the freakin' guy. The one-man-army star of the Metal Gear series is right in front of us on the TV screen in Konamis Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater we swear hes there but we can't see him for the trees.

Looks like the new camouflage system in this killer-looking sequel, due for PlayStation 2 this fall, is working a little too well. Its very hard to play when you cannot see yourself,' muses series creator Hideo Kojima. trying to work out the solution to this prickly game-design dilemma. But we dont want to place a little cursor on him, so were trying to tweak that to where the camo works but you can still see yourself.Kojima is back to work on the Metal Gear series after vowing never to return once hed finished the excellent and off-kilter Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. So perhaps its to make life interesting for himself that hes made such drastic revisions for this sequel: For Snake Eater, players can look forward to a new era, new gameplay, and a new setting,

Kojima says. Weve told you about the new era and shown glimpses of the new jungle setting in past articles, but Kojima has just revealed to us one of the sequels main new gameplay features: Hiding not behind trees or rocks, but in plain sight of your enemy. The secret? Careful use of camouflage.


But before we get too deep into the new games jungle, a quick refresher course: Snake Eater is set in the 1960s an odd period considering that the Snake we know from past Metal Gear games would have been in kindergarten during that turbulent decade. One thing I can say is that Snake is not going to hop on a time machine and travel back in time, Kojima quips. There are games like that out there, but this isnt one of them. Instead, all signs point to the real protagonist of Snake Eater being Big Boss, the main bad guy in the original Metal Gear for Nintendo Entertainment System and also the source of Solid Snakes DNA (as well as evil twin Liquid Snakes. Mullets run in the family, apparently).

Snake Eater begins with this mysterious character (for the sake of simplicity, well keep calling him Solid Snake) parachuting into the jungle on an unknown mission and losing his backpack. Once he's recovered his things, his mission proper whatever it is begins.

Fortunately, we know considerably more about the new gameplay and settings. Survival has been a hot concept in games since Capcom created the survival-horror genre with its Resident Evil series, but never has the literal meaning been applied to a game as heavily as in Snake Eater. With an objective that could (or could not) take days to complete, Snake has to survive the elements in addition to encounters with enemy forces. That means keeping himself well fed on fish and snakes he catches (hence the games name), staying well sheltered, and of course remaining well hidden. Snake can don different types of camo and face paint to match the terrain snow, grass, forest, etc. (see sidebar) in real time. Players will know how well camouflaged they are by checking the Camo Index in the screens upper right corner. It changes in real time based on a variety of factors, including posture, terrain, amount of shadow, and the current camo and face paint Snake is wearing. The highest the index can go is 100 percent, meaning that enemies cannot see Snake no matter how close they are to his position, but its possible to get the percentage down to a negative as well for instance, by taking Snake out of cover and running him over crackling dry leaves. When he runs and you see that negative five percent, Kojima says, thats more like, CHey, see me! Im here!

In fact, running anywhere is not to your advantage in Snake Eater. Its better to mosey and better still to use a new type of motion called stalking, created for this game. This new technique is very useful when you want to sneak up on an enemy from behind, says Kojima. When stalking, Snake moves very slowly on tiptoe and can sometimes move without any penalty to his Camo Index, but it comes at a price. Thing is, when you stalk, you lose a lot of stamina, Kojima says. Basically, when you walk around in the mountains and you have to climb, you lose stamina, and you have to regain stamina by feeding yourself. That means its time to chow down on some wilderness sushi raw fish, snakes, and other high-protein foods.

Metal gear solid 3 snake eater theme

Gung-ho players whod rather not worry so much about staying hidden can go a little more Rambo if they like. If you want to be a macho, hard-boiled guy like CIm not going to wear anything, then you dont have to wear any camosays Kojima.

You can just walk around with no T-shirt and play it your way. The drawback besides the obvious lack of cover is that Snake will have a harder time staying warm and will lose stamina faster. But at least you wont have to worry about getting out those stubborn stains. One thing about the camo uniforms, says Kojima, is that if you get shot or wounded, therell be bloodstains, and then your camo pattern will have red stuff on it, and your Camo Index will go down.

The first Metal Gear Solid is confined to an Alaskan military base and its immediate snowy environs, while MGS2: Sons of Liberty takes place entirely in industrial settings, such as an oil tanker and an overseas refinery. To contrast this and take the series back to its jungle roots, Kojima is going back to nature. As I said before, most of the gameplay takes place in the wilderness, he says. Youve seen the jungle, but there are also mountains, rivers, and caves basically the natural environment. Its all to force you to switch between different camo patterns anytime and try to pick a pattern thats the best match for where you are.

These outdoor settings make for some nifty visuals, including a torchlit cave filled with bats. But they also make for some changes in the way players must approach certain tasks, such as disposing of bodies. Now that you wont find lockers to stash corpses in, you can hide them in the grass, hide them in holes or tree trunks, and you can also carry them to streams or rivers, Kojima says. Its a fitting end for these enemy troopers who if you play the game right will never even see you coming.


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Ever since Metal Gear Solid 2s campaign to put players names on collectible enemy dog tags, series creator Hideo Kojima has tried to include fans in his games in a literal way. This trend continues with the Camouflage Campaign: a contest in which you can design your own Snake Eater camo pattern. Contest entry details will be revealed in May at the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo game show, so you might want to start thinking about your entry now. And if you dont make it into the final product, dont give up: The campaign will extend beyond the initial release when Konami offers later patterns as online downloads, a first for Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Ps2 Iso

Keep in mind that you cant design an entire outfit like we have in these mocked-up Snakes here designs are more like PC wallpaper in that you can either center or tile a small texture across the entire suit. Entries will be based on one of three criteria: effectiveness, humor value, or coolness.If a pattern seems to work really well, well pick it, says Kojima,although well choose designs that look good whether or not theyre effective. Kojimas example involved Snake wearing camouflage plastered with the face of Gakko, a toy duck manufactured by Konami Toyware. If there are a lot of ducks in the game somewhere, Kojima jokes, the enemies wont see you when you wear this pattern. .

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Ps2 Iso

Overall rating: 8

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Pc

The Boss:
In 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from space. Three years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik, the first manmade satellite in history, into orbit. This came as a huge shock to the United States. In response, America threw everything it had into its own manned space flight project, the Mercury project. Even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees in rockets. The government wanted human data. So they secretly decided to send a human being into space. I was the one they chose. At the time they didn't have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation. That's why they chose me. After all, I had already been irradiated once. Of course, you won't find any of this in the history books. I could see the planet as it appeared form space. That's when it finally hit me. Space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and USSR. Politics, economics, the arms race - they're all just arenas for meaningless competition. I'm sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, No West, No Cold War. And the irony of it is, the United States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me.