Download Picture Style Canon Beauty Shot

Free download picture style canon beauty shot

DOWNLOAD: 20 Picture Style Kevin Wong – 600kb. Jika dirasa lebih menyukai editing menggunakan Lightroom, silahkan menuju ke artikel kumpulan preset Adobe Lightroom. Ada lebih dari 5307 preset yang siap dimodifikasi. Baca Juga: Picture Style Canon - S Download. Blogger di bawah garis amatir asal Banjarnegara yang punya sampingan. Picture Style Editor is included on the EOS Solution Disk that comes with each EOS camera. There are many resources online offering Picture Style files that can be downloaded, even Canon has one with several Picture Style files. Canon Picture Style information & download; David Stafford’s 123 Picture Style files to download David’s blog is.

Cinestyle Profile

Harness the full potential of your DSLR Camera with Technicolor's CineStyle Profile - A FREE download that boosts the dynamic range in your camera.

With the CineStyle profile installed on your DSLR, you can:

  • Create a unique Hollywood feel to your productions that matches the look and color capabilities of much more expensive equipment and processes.
  • Capture clips that can easily be color graded to match different cinematic styles from various sources and genres, including 35mm film.
  • Exploit a far greater dynamic color range when shooting in difficult lighting conditions.
  • Seamlessly intercut DSLR-based footage with content from other cinema-quality cameras such as RED, ARRI ALEXA, SONY and 35mm film.
Canon Standard Profile
Technicolor Cinestyle Profile
Technicolor Cinestyle Profile with Cinestyle S-Curve

Frequently Asked Questions

Download Picture Style Canon Beauty Shot

Who developed CineStyle Profile?

The CineStyle Profile was created by Technicolor color scientists and engineers.

Why was CineStyle Profile developed?

Technicolor is responding to industry demand from cinematographers for enhanced flexibility in capturing images from digital cameras.

How does CineStyle Profile help the cinematographer?

The Technicolor CineStyle Profile provides better dynamic range of the captured content. This allows for greater artistic freedom during the color grading process in post-production.

What does CineStyle Profile do to the image?

When the Technicolor CineStyle Profile is selected in the camera, video images are recorded in log space. In layman’s terms, though the image will appear flat and de-saturated, there is actually more detail retained in the shadows and mid-tones which is excellent for color grading.

Can it be used for all Canon EOS cameras?

Although the Technicolor CineStyle Profile was designed and optimized for the Canon EOS-5D Mark II camera, the Technicolor CineStyle can be installed and used on any current Canon EOS DSLR camera.

What are the recommended Canon EOS-5D Mark II camera settings to obtain optimal image quality?

We recommend the following settings:

  • Sharpness: 0
  • Contrast: -4
  • Saturation: -2
  • Color Tone: 0
  • ISO: a multiple of 160

What are requirements to use the CineStyle Profile?

Canon Cameras

  • Canon EOS DSLR camera
  • Canon EOS utility
  • USB Cable
  • PC – Windows 7/Vista/XP; or Mac – Mac OS X 10.5/10.6+

How do I load CineStyle Profile to my Canon camera?

Please see the steps below:

  1. Ensure that EOS Utility v2.6 or later is installed on your computer
  2. Download the Technicolor CineStyle™ Profile on this page
  3. Connect your camera to your computer using the appropriate USB cable
  4. Note: for the EOS 5D Mark II you may need to set 'Communication' to 'PC connect' in the camera's menu
  5. Start the Canon EOS Utility
  6. Select 'Camera settings/Remote shooting' on the main window
  7. Once the capture window opens, click the camera icon
  8. Click 'Register User Defined style' under 'Shooting menu'
  9. Once the new page 'Register Picture Style File' opens, select one of User Def. 1, 2 or 3 at the top of the new page
  10. Click the open file icon
  11. Select the CineStyle.pf2 file you've just downloaded
  12. Click on OK

Congratulations, the Technicolor CineStyle Profile is now loaded in your camera! You should confirm that the Profile has been properly loaded by pressing the Picture Style selection button at the back of the camera and using the thumbwheel on top of the camera to scroll through the styles.

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» Home» Belajar Foto » Canon Picture Style

Canon Picture Style adalah fitur DSLR Canon moderen yang memungkinkan kita memanipulasi Hue-Saturation-Lightness langsung saat foto diambil. Alhasil JPEG hasil dari kamera langsung diproses sesuai dengan setting yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya. Lihat contoh di bawah ini :

Click for larger image – (dari kiri ke kanan) : Standard – Landscape – Neutral
Kita lihat ketiganya memiliki karakter warna yang sedikit berbeda. Landscape misalnya cenderung agak “reddish/merah” dan menguatkan saturasi warna hijau. Oleh sebab itu picture style ini umumnya saya gunakan untuk memotret pemandangan alam yang kuat unsur hijau & biru. Sedangkan standard cenderung lebih natural, sehingga cocok untuk pemotretan human interest karena skintone yang dihasilkan lebih akurat. Sedangkan neutral tidak melakukan proses terlalu banyak, sehingga cenderung lebih flat dan siap untuk diproses lanjut di komputer.
Canon umumnya menyediakan 6 picture style yang sudah di built-in ke dalam kamera, dan beberapa slot kosong (user defined) untuk kita isi dengan picture style yang ada di web Canon ataupun kita buat sendiri. Cara mengisi slot kosong picture style bisa dibaca di web Canon tersebut. Sedangkan 6 picture style yang sudah disediakan Canon adalah :

Tapi selain default kita bisa memasukkan sampai dengan 3 custom picture style. Custom picture style ini bisa diperoleh di web Canon, hasil googling dari internet atau membuat sendiri menggunakan picture style editor.
Salah satu fotografer yang baik hati, Pak Ketut Sukandia, bahkan membuat custom picture style yang di bagikan gratis di internet. Custom picture style milik beliau ini unik karena “mensimulasikan” fotografi infrared. Pada prinsipnya beliau menghilangkan saturasi warna hijau dan beberapa warna lain. Sehingga yang tersisa adalah warna-warna dominan seperti merah atau kuning. Akibatnya kalau kita memotret dengan background hijau akan diubah menjadi putih selayaknya fotografi IR.

Download Picture Style Canon Beauty Shot Software

Free Download Picture Style Canon Beauty Shot

Keduanya merupakan hasil pemotretan langsung dari kamera (JPEG). Foto atas merupakan hasil dari picture style Landscape, sedangkan yang bawah merupakan hasil dari picture style “SKD IM” yang merupakan bagian dari picture style SKD IR yang dibuat oleh Pak Ketut Sukandia. Coba juga lihat beberapa hasil picture style ini :

Download Picture Style Canon Beauty Shot Camera

Dari kiri atas (searah jarum jam) : Original JPEG menggunakan Landscape Picture Style, SKD IR, SKD IM dan terakhir SKD Godel. Dapat dilihat karakter warna biru dan putih (hasil dari warna hijau) diantara ketiganya sedikit berbeda. Tinggal pilih mana yang diinginkan

Download Picture Style Canon Beauty Shot Pro

Semua hasil dari picture style tentu saja bisa di buat menggunakan Canon DPP Raw Converter + Adobe Photoshop. Akan tetapi kalau bisa memperpendek workflow kenapa tidak? Less time for post-processing, more time for taking pictures.